The purpose of this web page is to allow for a simple note on my likely-soon-to-be departure from the planet, and any pertinent later information that goes with that. In addition, my web-guy Trevor will be setting things up so family and friends can leave any notes they wish (more to follow from Trevor).
It is understandably overwhelming to try to summarize my current thoughts, so I will not attempt to do so. That said, I would be wrong in not taking one last opportunity to send out my warmest regards for those many individuals, friends and family, who have been so invaluable in helping:
Susan Babcock • Monique Bielech • Jane Bowe • Karen Cantine • Shreela Chakrabarrtty • Dianne Donovan • Denyse Doron • Petra Duncan •
Jenny Feniak • Mary Grayson • Travis Huckell • Mike & Elva Jones •
Ali Machum • Trevor Moyer • Peter North • Lee Onisko • P.J. Perry •
Barry Posner • Barry Storeshaw • Keri Sweetman • Terry Wickham
and the remarkable David Wolkowski.
Selfless, stellar, more than I can ever say; from those snowy, sub-zero, early morning drives to the Cross to warm afternoon coffee breaks.
What can I say about the Cross Cancer Institute? What a force! I still can’t forget the four nurses who swarmed me in five seconds the day I was vomiting all over in the chemo ward. But of course their tech skills and nurturing warmth are what really made the difference.
Dr Michael Sawyer (Oncologist) – eternal thanks for your expertise, advice and friendship.
Dr Scott Eliason (GP) for your patience and moral support.
While I cannot put a lot of specific names to the staff at the University of Alberta Hospital, we did communicate name-to-name and to those who contributed so much, my deep gratitude.
I have never had a totally comfortable family situation. When my parents split, when I was five, it left me with a touch of that “only child” feeling for much of my life. I am pleased to say the events of the recent years have gone far to change that and the outpouring of love from my family has been amazing. I only hope I have been able to return that feeling to some degree. It has come to mean so much.
Never forget,
we walk on hell,
gazing at flowers.
— Issa, 16th century
Your wannabe monk in training, Roger Antoine Levesque -30-
Hello to all the friends and colleagues of Roger, to everyone who is missing him know
Please know our family is extremely grateful to the many who helped Roger through the last few difficult years. The walks in the ravine, the rides to the Cross, the generous gifts, the amazing food deliveries. The greatest gift you gave Roger was the gift of your time, the warm smile and the cup of coffee on the bench in the sun. He treasured that time. You made him feel valued and loved. Sometimes you made him forget his problems and for that we thank you. Remember the good times.
Michele Thompson (Jack), Gerry Levesque, Maurice Levesque, D’Arcy Levesque
The many nieces and nephews who loved and respected their Uncle
ROGER LEVESQUE Celebration of Life
Saturday June 10, 2 pm to 6 pm drop-in
Yardbird Suite – 11 Tommy Banks Way
An informal gathering of family and friends remembering Roger
with a few “speeches” starting at 3pm.
Light refreshments available